WatchChild® Release 1.6.4 Summary

We are very excited to share some exciting features and functionalities included in our latest upgrade releases. We feel these will greatly enhance and improve documentation and workflow at the bedside. Below are some highlights:

  • Archive Pending and Review states allow role based functionality.
  • EDD auto calculates and populates to the Census and Summary when entered on the Outpatient and Admission screen.
  • Additional tab functionality added to the chart and independent surveillance (integrated view) screens providing enhanced functionality and quicker access to multiple screens and records.
  • Annotations entered from on a single time period with multiple categories/fields on the three-tiered annotation screen, will maintain the selected date/time without the need to reenter on each screen prior to choosing “OK”.
  • The cervical exam screen has additional fields of Position, Consistency and Presentation added.
  • Contractions, intensity and resting tone will now round to the nearest 5th and 10th numeric value.
  • The Uterine Fetal Assessment screen has a new field “Characteristic” for uterine activity.
  • The Uterine “Monitor” type will carry over from previous documented screen until updated.
  • Systems Assessment provides multi-select options for drop downs.
  • Charting in the future is not permitted on flowsheets with the exception of EDD, next visit and expiration date.
  • Integrated clients will have access to the minimize, maximize and exit buttons on the independent surveillance screen view.
  • Ability to separate high, low and no data fetal alerts with unique window assessment size for each.

A complete listing of all included features and enhancements is available in the Release Notes. In order to upgrade to versions 1.6.0 and above, Sequel 2014 is required. This will necessitate IT involvement at the facility level. We will coordinate with your teams to plan and assist with the upgrade process.

Click here to access complete release notes in PDF

Please complete the form below to schedule your upgrade to the current version of WatchChild. Your representative will contact you within the next 24 hours.

Questions?  Email WatchChild Technical Support