Welcome Friends & Colleagues …

… or should I say “Hi, fellow bloggers, bloggies, bloggites?”  Well, at least no one can call us Luddites!

As discussed while we met in Colorado Springs we have set up a “by invitation only” blog site where we can share thoughts on a variety of topics.  Each post on this site will have a title (so you can see the theme of the conversation) and a place for you to add or follow the comments of others.

If you wish to start a conversation on another topic, we can help initiate that chain.

Since you’re reading this message, CONGRATULATIONS!  Try entering a comment below to see how this exchange works. And then get updates of our discussions via either email or RSS (Rich Site Summary) feed by using the button just above the “Search” tool on the right.

If you should have questions, issues, or private asides, please click here to email me.